Thursday, November 27, 2008

Go Or Dun Go!!!

Reali dun know wan to go see doctor a not! So scare lor! Is the doctor Professional a not! Reali scare! But jie jie say even if l scare also got to go see lor! Hubby say that too!

Go or dun go!!! Wat a l going to do now? Actually wanted jie jie to accompany go de. But dare not to say! And she also dun know that when l sms her is to hint her lor. Now lm going to use a coin to decide whether to go or not to go?

Head = GO
Tail = DUN GO

I throw a lot of times! First 3 times is DUN GO! Last 3 times is GO

So now the answer is GO!GO!GO

Going home 2day le! Happy! Coming back New house on Saturday again! Still dun know whether going to celebrate my father in law birthday a not! Im not going to ask!

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