Tuesday nite went New house in the middle of the nite coz we were playing Majong! Was fun! But hubby was not happy the whole nite coz his TIRED lor! Still ask him come play Majong lor! HaHaHa! I dun even know whether l got win a not! But sister and mummy win! Sister win the most! Hubby was off on Wednesday! We wake up quite late! Abt in the afternoon! After that we went IKEA to get our computer table and some other stuff then went Anchor Point for dinner plus shop shop. Altogther we spend abt 600 plus lor! So heart pain lor! By the time we reach home is abt 10 plus to 11 le! Then hubby and l fix Winne The Pooh and Friends puzzle. A while later when l was bathing hubby took his medicine and went to bed. But l still have to wait for my hair to dry up before l went bed! After finish taking my medicine got nothing to do le so l fix the puzzle again till in the morning 5 plus lor! So sleepy le! Reali got to sleep! Went back to my own house in the evening! But before that went Jurong Point help hubby to get his favourite One Pieces comics and packet dishes home coz dad is cooking chicken rice onli. While waiting for the dishes to be ready l went TOYRUS to look for puzzle again! Saw few veri nice puzzle which l will go buy it but not now! After l finish doing the lastest puzzle first! Finishing soon!!! Will be going to new house on Friday nite to sleep coz computer table coming on Saturday between 3-6pm lor!
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