Monday, July 28, 2008
Feeling Moody!!!
Friday was at home the whole day till at nite then l went over to New House to sleep. Jie jie took half day but she went massage and have lunch with 1 of my anut. So wish to go but lazy to go out! Jie come home ard 5plus! We had veri earli dinner! Jie packet back! Hubby went club but without me coz l dun feel like going down lor! My gor gor buy hp from hubby! So no choice got to go lor! He had a few glass of beer before leaving! Coz need to get SUPPER for his dear dear lor! So troublesome rite hubby! Hubby was a bit drunk! So after finish SUPPER with me he went bed le! So sad lor! Then l watch VCD lor! Sister rent TVBI series for me to watch! I use 2 days to finish the whole show! So Pro rite! Sleep in the morning tis few days lor! And lm so HAPPY coz l finally finish the whole PUZZLE le! So clever! Will go back take picture of my puzzle to upload in my blog lor! Saturday was at New house the whole day waiting for my Computer Table to arrived! The time was delay lor! So bad! So sad! It reach abt 6.30 plus if lm not wrong! But while waiting l clean the house! Wash a lot of clothes and bedsheet! After that my cousin Yifeng came my house to fix the COMPUTER and the rest of the things with my hubby lor! Sunday was also at New House the whole day! Coz deem tired and sick lor! Actually have lotz of things to do de! But l reali give up le! Dad do all by himself lor! Guess that's the reason why he's SO ANGRY! Sorry daddy! Having veri bad headache lor! The Chalet starts 2day ends wednesday! Dun feel like going down lor! So confuse! Then abt 7pm l on call cab to go fetch jie jie at bukit batok to go visit my grandmother best friend at SGH! She have give up her life le! She have prepare everything le! Doctor say they are not going to cure her anymore! So sad! Wanted to cry but cant! Got to be strong in front of her lor! She tell my cousin if free and got time go see her more often lor! Sad rite! So from now got to try to find MORE TIME to see her more! God pls Bless her! Thanks!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Sick! Sick! Sick!

Tuesday nite went New house in the middle of the nite coz we were playing Majong! Was fun! But hubby was not happy the whole nite coz his TIRED lor! Still ask him come play Majong lor! HaHaHa! I dun even know whether l got win a not! But sister and mummy win! Sister win the most! Hubby was off on Wednesday! We wake up quite late! Abt in the afternoon! After that we went IKEA to get our computer table and some other stuff then went Anchor Point for dinner plus shop shop. Altogther we spend abt 600 plus lor! So heart pain lor! By the time we reach home is abt 10 plus to 11 le! Then hubby and l fix Winne The Pooh and Friends puzzle. A while later when l was bathing hubby took his medicine and went to bed. But l still have to wait for my hair to dry up before l went bed! After finish taking my medicine got nothing to do le so l fix the puzzle again till in the morning 5 plus lor! So sleepy le! Reali got to sleep! Went back to my own house in the evening! But before that went Jurong Point help hubby to get his favourite One Pieces comics and packet dishes home coz dad is cooking chicken rice onli. While waiting for the dishes to be ready l went TOYRUS to look for puzzle again! Saw few veri nice puzzle which l will go buy it but not now! After l finish doing the lastest puzzle first! Finishing soon!!! Will be going to new house on Friday nite to sleep coz computer table coming on Saturday between 3-6pm lor!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
So worried!!!
Just finishing bathing for my BABY! But never take any photo for him after bath!
Hubby fall sick le! My whole family is sick too! Hubby go see doctor tis morning lor! The whole family and hubby been coughing so many days lor! Hubby GET WELL SOON hor! If not l cant get to sleep well lor! Hope everyone will recover fast and soon lor! Luckily hubby is OFF 2molo! My sister will also be taking 1 more day MC again as she has not recover yet!
So Tired and Sick
Sorry for not blogging for so long! Will try my veri best to recall k. Was sick and busy doing lots of things. Wednesday was at home but meet sister after work at IMM to buy nail polish from teacher. Had dinner at Cafe Cartel too. Home sweet home! Thursday was at home so boring lor! Check emails! Play games! Watch TV lor! Friday went New house veri earli to wait for the singtel man to fix my wire for me. l finally got house number le! So happy! Then after that meet sister after work at IMM again to buy nail polish again! Had dinner at there Cafe Cartel again too! Then l rush down to West Mall there to sign up boardband from Singtel! Luckily l can make it in time! 9 pm sharp! So many ppl lor! Waited for abt more than 1 hour plus and abt 14 ppl lor! Reach home 11 plus lor! They will come my New house fix everything on 30 july lor! Have to WAIT again! So long lor! Now HEADACHE liao! Coz everything NEEDS money lor! Saturday went out with my cousin yifeng and raymond to buy PC. Finally got PC at New house le! Bills will sure WENT UP de lor! Reach home 7 plus and decide to cook dinner lor! Lazy and dun know wat to packet so cook lor! Sunday was at home too! Actually wanted to meet up my dear de but so sick. Have not been feeling so well nowadays lor! And l also missed to meet up with my Secondary Teacher and friends lor! Reali so sad! Monday was at New house and went home in the afternoon! Went to see doctor with sister! Sister was on MC 2day! Hope everyone GET WELL SOON ba! Have to stop here le! Try to blog 2molo ba!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Happy! Happy! Happy!
Hi readers! Im blogging for my 5days journal. First lm reali HAPPY that my sister FINALLY RESIGN le! Cheers! She dun have to work from next month onwards le! Can leave that stupid idoit work place liao! Ok let's start my journal le!
Day 1- I blog le!
Day 2 - Friday we go grandmother house which is at Bishan to take wheelchair for my relatives cos she discharge on Saturday cant walk and need wheelchair at home. Then after that take clothes for Dry cleaning! After that we went Clementi to visit my mother in law! Then we headed to our new house.
Day 3 - Saturday we went Bukit Batok to take car. Then we headed airport to fetch dad! He came back from Overseas! Then dad leave us at Toa Payoh! From there we went Bugis to go Singtel to check some stuff. We headed home by cab cos lm not feeling veri well, having veri BAD headache nowadays. Later my cousin yifeng came our new house to find us to decide where to go eat and celebrate my hubby Birthday lor! In the end we headed Toa Payoh for dinner at the KOPITIAM and to my dad's Pub to celebrate Hubby's B'day lor! Uncle brought a Coffee cake for hubby! We have Beer and Martel! Bithday Boy was DRUNK again! But luckily no vomit! Thanks my dear cousin yifeng for fetching us back!
Day 4 - Sunday we stay at home the whole day. We have Wanton Mee for lunch! So tired and lazy to go out! But we went out for market and l cook Hubby's favourite food! Sweet and Sour Pork! Cereal Prawn! Wanted to cook rice but in the end too tired till l cook porridge lor! So sorry dear! Funny rite! Stupid too!
Day 5 - Monday l wake up veri earli to help dad do things in bank! Packet duck rice back for breakfast! Was raining heavily! Waited for the rain to stop we headed to Vivo City for for a bit shopping and Movie. Finally have some of our Personal time! We watch RED CLIFF! So angry lor! It's not a complete show lor! Have to wait for Part 2 to show! First time that l have watch a uncomplete SHOW! It's a nice show by the way!
Hubby start work 2day le! So sad! Dun reali have much time to go the places we wanted lor! Hubby was not reali HAPPY! He say he should not have take leave lor! Waste of time lor! Sorry dear!
That's the end of my Journal! THANKS! Cant meet dear on Sunday! So sorry! So Sad! And got to reali say SO SORRY to my teacher! Coz l promise to help her in packing/moving and unpacking but l did not! Reali pai seh! Reali sorry! Lots of things to do! Hope u understand! Teacher u so PRO lor! Can finish everything SO FAST lor!
Day 1- I blog le!
Day 2 - Friday we go grandmother house which is at Bishan to take wheelchair for my relatives cos she discharge on Saturday cant walk and need wheelchair at home. Then after that take clothes for Dry cleaning! After that we went Clementi to visit my mother in law! Then we headed to our new house.
Day 3 - Saturday we went Bukit Batok to take car. Then we headed airport to fetch dad! He came back from Overseas! Then dad leave us at Toa Payoh! From there we went Bugis to go Singtel to check some stuff. We headed home by cab cos lm not feeling veri well, having veri BAD headache nowadays. Later my cousin yifeng came our new house to find us to decide where to go eat and celebrate my hubby Birthday lor! In the end we headed Toa Payoh for dinner at the KOPITIAM and to my dad's Pub to celebrate Hubby's B'day lor! Uncle brought a Coffee cake for hubby! We have Beer and Martel! Bithday Boy was DRUNK again! But luckily no vomit! Thanks my dear cousin yifeng for fetching us back!
Day 4 - Sunday we stay at home the whole day. We have Wanton Mee for lunch! So tired and lazy to go out! But we went out for market and l cook Hubby's favourite food! Sweet and Sour Pork! Cereal Prawn! Wanted to cook rice but in the end too tired till l cook porridge lor! So sorry dear! Funny rite! Stupid too!
Day 5 - Monday l wake up veri earli to help dad do things in bank! Packet duck rice back for breakfast! Was raining heavily! Waited for the rain to stop we headed to Vivo City for for a bit shopping and Movie. Finally have some of our Personal time! We watch RED CLIFF! So angry lor! It's not a complete show lor! Have to wait for Part 2 to show! First time that l have watch a uncomplete SHOW! It's a nice show by the way!
Hubby start work 2day le! So sad! Dun reali have much time to go the places we wanted lor! Hubby was not reali HAPPY! He say he should not have take leave lor! Waste of time lor! Sorry dear!
That's the end of my Journal! THANKS! Cant meet dear on Sunday! So sorry! So Sad! And got to reali say SO SORRY to my teacher! Coz l promise to help her in packing/moving and unpacking but l did not! Reali pai seh! Reali sorry! Lots of things to do! Hope u understand! Teacher u so PRO lor! Can finish everything SO FAST lor!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
So Angry! So Sad! So Tired!
Hubby went drinking at the same place yesterday again! With the same old ppl! He ask me to go but l never. Guess he will be veri Happy lor! Without me! Boys Nitez lor! Dun know how much he drink 2day lor! Dun know whether when he come back will merlion a not!
Happy! Happy! Happy! Hubby will start on leave from 2day le! Congratz!
Dad going overseas again in the afternoon lor! So sad! Will be back maybe on saturday if nothing goes wrong! So hope for the best that everything goes smoothly ba! Most properly hubby will drive dad to airport later lor. Of coz lm going along lor!
2day hubby and l went lots of places! 1st we fetch dad to airport! 2nd we went home and packet lunch for everyone to eat! 3rd we went HDB at jurong west to do things! 4th we went collect our phones and headed to IMM to get stuffs for everyone and packet dinner too! Now finally we reach HOME SWEET HOME! So tired lor! But HAPPY!
Happy! Happy! Happy! Hubby will start on leave from 2day le! Congratz!
Dad going overseas again in the afternoon lor! So sad! Will be back maybe on saturday if nothing goes wrong! So hope for the best that everything goes smoothly ba! Most properly hubby will drive dad to airport later lor. Of coz lm going along lor!
2day hubby and l went lots of places! 1st we fetch dad to airport! 2nd we went home and packet lunch for everyone to eat! 3rd we went HDB at jurong west to do things! 4th we went collect our phones and headed to IMM to get stuffs for everyone and packet dinner too! Now finally we reach HOME SWEET HOME! So tired lor! But HAPPY!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
So Poor Thins!!!
My dear sister was bully again in OFFICE by the STUPID IDOIT head! So Sad and Poor Thing lor! She almost wanted to cry out! And she manage to be strong so onli cry a bit la! Jie Jie u must Jia You ah! Fight back! Protect urself! Dun let her BULLY You! Dun let her climb ur head k! Dun always becoz of me and force urself to work there if u dun like k! Quit that stupid JOB if u dun like k! Im always there for u ya! A kiss for u k! Muack!!! Dun cry k!
My dear and darling both sick so sad lor! Must drink more more water k! Hope the 2 of u get well soon ba! Weather not veri good! Keep raining and raining lor! Wear more clothes k! Hope to see u guys real soon!
My dear and darling both sick so sad lor! Must drink more more water k! Hope the 2 of u get well soon ba! Weather not veri good! Keep raining and raining lor! Wear more clothes k! Hope to see u guys real soon!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Everyday Do Same Things!!!
As usual just help my cousin lvl up her Maple! After that check my mails and now blogging lor. So happy that Jie Jie is On Leave 2day! Will be at home to accompany her the whole day! That was wat she wanted it for veri long le! Happy! But too bad Silvia start sch liao! So sad! Dun know wat is our planning later lor! Time pls dun pass so fast hor!
4 more days to go is my Hubby Birthday le! Still dun know how to celebrate with him lay! Wat surprise can l give him? I reali dun know lor! Hubby told me that he dun wish to celebrate in Singapore lor coz too boring le. But reali dun know can go where lor! Hubby On Leave for 5 days so Happy lor! But cant go overseas lor! Coz my dad going overseas too! Have to look after Baby and mum too! So Sad!!
4 more days to go is my Hubby Birthday le! Still dun know how to celebrate with him lay! Wat surprise can l give him? I reali dun know lor! Hubby told me that he dun wish to celebrate in Singapore lor coz too boring le. But reali dun know can go where lor! Hubby On Leave for 5 days so Happy lor! But cant go overseas lor! Coz my dad going overseas too! Have to look after Baby and mum too! So Sad!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Happy Birthday To Both My Cousin!!!
So sad! My late grandma bestfriend that took care of my sister since she was young and she was hospitalized! We went to visit her yesterday in the afternoon! She fell down and knocked her head when she was bathing and was in the toilet for 1hour without people knowing so sad right! After that she was sent to the AnE and now was lying on bed her back cant move but her hands and legs can move. Now she have to stay in the hospital for observing her condition. Hope everything will go fine and smoothly lor for her! God Bless Her Please !
Yesterday was my both precious cousin birthday! But l onli manage to celebrate with 1 cousin which is Silvia. We bring her to crystal jade for dinner at the same time bring Baby for grooming too! The other 1 l think he celebrate with his gf or friends ba. Happy Birthday to both of my cousins Bye!
Yesterday was my both precious cousin birthday! But l onli manage to celebrate with 1 cousin which is Silvia. We bring her to crystal jade for dinner at the same time bring Baby for grooming too! The other 1 l think he celebrate with his gf or friends ba. Happy Birthday to both of my cousins Bye!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Wat a Painful day?
2day l was feeling so sick and painful! But wat make me Happy was that 2day lunch and dinner is my sister cook de! So sweet of her rite! I onli help her abit 2day! Reali a bit lor! So sorry jie! She cook my favourite soup! Love her so much lor! She also help me to prepare food for my hubby too!
Just finishing helping my cousin lvl her maple lor! 2molo is her Birthday lor! Still dun know how to celebrate for her! Will let u all know 2molo ba! Have to stop here le! Bye!
Just finishing helping my cousin lvl her maple lor! 2molo is her Birthday lor! Still dun know how to celebrate for her! Will let u all know 2molo ba! Have to stop here le! Bye!
So Angry and Not Happy!!!
Wednesday nite went drinking with hubby and God brother at Upper Serangoon. The name of the pub is SingOne. Pls dun ask me go there anymore can a not! Still thought of having fun and relax de! Not nice to play at all lor! Dear still got drunk and Vomit when we reach home lor! So angry!!!
Dear off on Thursday! Have plan alot of programme! U know wat? Everything was cancel becoz of hubby lor! Wake up so LATE lor! Cant wake him up due to yesterday drunk la! We onli make it to go repair my 2 phones at Toh Guan there! And went IMM shop a while and brought some stuff back to New house. We take cab home coz we rushing time. We need to go my hubby sister house to have dinner which l dun reali wan or like lor! But no choice lor! So sian!!!
Dear off on Thursday! Have plan alot of programme! U know wat? Everything was cancel becoz of hubby lor! Wake up so LATE lor! Cant wake him up due to yesterday drunk la! We onli make it to go repair my 2 phones at Toh Guan there! And went IMM shop a while and brought some stuff back to New house. We take cab home coz we rushing time. We need to go my hubby sister house to have dinner which l dun reali wan or like lor! But no choice lor! So sian!!!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Finally Found It!!!
I finaly found the song l wan le! So so so HAPPY! The song is so meaningful lor! Hubby & l love it so much. Will try my veri best to find more meaningful songs! l can maybe use it on my Wedding too! Still so earli rite! But never mind la! Nothing to do at home mah.
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